The world’s most comprehensive legalized heroin program

Swiss voters passed the plan with support from 68 percent of voters, as part of a series of national referendums on illegal drug policy. Swiss voters recently rejected another referendum to decriminalize cannabis, despite widespread police tolerance for moderate use of the drug.The program, which began in Zurich more than a decade ago, is described by The New York Times as “the world’s most comprehensive legalized heroin program.” It allows about 1,300 addicts to visit specialized clinics at 23 government-approved centers across the country to inject legally the drug up to twice a day, as a last resort. The clinics also provide treatment for other medical or mental health issues.Supporters say that the program, which began in Zurich more than a decade ago, has been effective in booting addicts out of the country’s infamous “needle parks” and lowering drug-related crime. But opponents, such as the United States and the UN narcotics board, say that it aids drug abusers, and sends the wrong message to youth. Switzerland’s heroin program is now being emulated by governments around the world, while some have already been involved in similar efforts, but on a smaller scale. Australia and Canada have started their own programs, and the Netherlands in 2006 began a small program with 15 treatment centers that serve about 600 patients.Some countries are giving Swiss-style heroin injection programs a trial run, such as Belgium, Germany, Spain and Canada, which embarked on a three-year pilot project endorsed by the Canadian Institutes of Health. Britain has allowed licensed doctors to prescribe heroin since the 1920s, and Denmark approved a two-year trial of prescription heroin last February.
Although more countries seem to be giving legalized heroin treatment the green light, global drug laws are not necessarily becoming more relaxed.The 63-percent bloc of Swiss citizens who voted against decriminalizing marijuana and growing the plant for personal use may have learned a lesson from Britain’s attempt at loosening legal punishment for using cannabis last year, which largely backfired as marijuana use increased, drug-related crime rose despite a drop in marijuana arrests, and research suggested serious psychological effects. Recent research suggests that long-term marijuana use may be more harmful than previously thought, according to the BBC.
Additionally, more countries have been moving toward limiting what is now a widely legal drug: tobacco. Earlier this year, India became the latest country, joining Turkey, the Netherlands, France and the UK in passing laws to limit smoking in public places.In an unexpected turn of events, the Netherlands’ decision to ban smoking tobacco at its iconic cafes over the summer may have had the surprising effect of forcing customers to resort to smoking pure cannabis, which is not regulated by the new law.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.


Firesnake said...

Actually we don't have one in Australia. It was approved in 1997, but quashed by neoconservative PM, John Howard, and "addiction is worse than death", Major Brian Watters, who is essentially a fifth colunmist in DFA, the INCB, Hassela, Salvation Army and so on.

Howard damaged our reputation beyond repair, his cronies funded criminals and frauds and he worked overtime dragging us backward into archaic biblical insanity resurrecting misogynistic values of old. He was coerced by the religious right, and we're far, far worse for it. We continually allow a dangerous unproven, unpublished trial of naltrexone via a legal loophole, proponents of which insist we must adhere to the exact letter of the law. Injecting facilities or heroin trials - despite over 1,000 needle exchanges - ironically face hurdles those who've published no trial data on naltrexone in a decade, simply sail through.

It was drug free australia [think Westboro Baptist logic aimed at drug users] member, Gary Christian who did the dirty work for the ONDCP trying to sabotage the democratic resolution secured in Vienna this year. Simply put - no human rights will prevent their stopping of sin. These guys can potentially kill without compunction, brag about it and lobby for the removal of human rights for drug users. Associate Dr. Reece, killed 25 "drug addicts" in around 20 months, wielding the bible, naltrexone, benzo's, magical spells, exorcisms, baptisms and worse. In an insult to all Aussies he'd warned the government would have "blood on it's hands" if he was prevented, no apology has ever emerged as it "was a conspiracy" of drug addicts, profit is substantial, he brags about it as evidence of success and scientific skill. It's a cause to blame methadone supporters and scientists for any death related to methadone, falsely inflate these figures and devalue life - which is "shortened by 46 years" if you use illicit drugs - but not legal drugs.

Sabine Geissbuhler's common claim she'd prefer her kids dead than prescribed a medication, is clear manifestation of religious zealotry. Just as homosexuality can be "cured" with prayer, so can addiction and those who prevent cosmic intercession are a danger to all.

Watters is on the board of DFA. His INCB mandate is to ensure harm reduction is employed where it is not - but they 'reward' barbaric practices such as minimum sentences, capital punishment and labour camps.

Unfortunately, we have an ideology struggle - not an evidence based debate. And it's important the world knows it was God, who invented the illusion harm reduction is not the plain success it is.