form of flesh-eating cocaine has afflicted drug users in New York and Los Angeles, causing purple areas of dying flesh.

Cocaine that has been cut with the veterinary drug levamisole appears to be the cause of a grotesque disease that causes patches of dead skin on the ears, noses and cheeks of victims. How revolting! Outbreaks due to flesh-eating cocaine have been reported in both New York and Los Angeles, and according to Dr. Noah Craft of the Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute, the problem is likely much more widespread. Cocaine may be popular among celebrities and stars, but patches of rotting flesh are not especially attractive.

Dealers commonly cut cocaine with various substances such as baking soda before it is sold to end users, and South American drug cartels are apparently favoring the use of lavamisole for this purpose. Levamisole is a veterinary drug that is used to kill worms in pigs, sheep and cattle. It seems strange that anyone would choose this to mix with cocaine, since baking soda would be much cheaper and easier. However, some research shows that levamisole has an effect on brain receptors similar to that of cocaine, so maybe they figure it will give the cocaine an extra kick.

Although it doesn't seem to affect everyone in the same way, recreational drug users should beware: You never know what is going up your nose, and it could have dire consequences.



Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.