‘Bath salt’ drugs could enter Canada, experts worry

‘Bath salt’ drugs could enter Canada, experts worry - The Globe and Mail: "An epidemic of “bath salt” abuse is sweeping the United States and some experts worry that it may hit Canada, since the designer drugs are unregulated and available on the Web.

Not actually bath salts, the products labelled Red Dove, Ivory Wave and Hurricane Charlie are also available via small retail outlets to customers, who smoke, snort, inject or eat the chemicals.

The powders’ effects are similar to those of methamphetamine, and can include rapid heart rate, visual hallucinations, paranoia and psychosis, as well as self-mutilation and suicidal thoughts, authorities say.
A man from Fulton, Miss., cut his face and stomach repeatedly after hallucinating on the drugs. In Louisiana, the family of a 21-year-old man says he committed suicide following three days of delirium after he snorted the chemicals, according to the Washington Post."

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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.