18:51 1 Comments

Cybersexual Affairs
Cybersex Addiction
Cyberporn Addiction
Chat Room Addiction
Obsessive Role Play Gaming
Compulsive Online Gambling
eBay Addiction
Compulsive Surfing


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.


What is "Internet addiction disorder" is still difficult to define at this time. Psychologists have studied compulsive behaviors and their treatments for years now, and nearly any well-trained mental health professional will be able to help you learn to slowly curve the time spent online, and address the problems or concerns in your life that may have contributed to your online overuse, or were caused by it. No need for a specialist or an online support group.

Suffering from an addiction. This website has a lot of great resources and treatment centers.