The Ten Stages acknowledges that We are all unique perfect children within carrying a full range of unique gifts to offer.

The Ten Stages acknowledges that We are all unique perfect children within carrying a full range of unique gifts to offer. And what makes us unique is our constructed journey in adulthood, for no two people have traveled the same path; no two people have experienced the exact same obstacles or advantages. No two people have traveled in the exact same direction at the exact same time in their lives. And no two people have the exact same perspective or interpretation of their life or their journey.
Each child within has their own unique gifts to offer, but sometimes we do not value our gifts and therefore we do not develop our gifts to their full potential, or at all. That is where self-love comes in. Self-love helps us to believe in ourselves and encourage ourselves to re-discover the perfect version of ourselves that is locked inside ourselves. And when we do, that is when we re-discover our greatest potential and have our greatest gifts to offer.
Our gifts are unique because they reflect our individual unique perfect life journey. And our life journey affects what we have to offer and how we present those gifts to others. Each person offers a unique combination of skill, confidence, energy, groundedness, creativity, thoughtfulness, maturity, playfulness, talent, openness, knowledge, focus, experience, patience, friendliness, kindness, understanding, acceptance, reliability, gentleness, strength, motivation, commitment, sincerity, honesty, insight and compassion.
Not everyone will respond to the gifts that we have to offer because different children have learned to respond to different parental messages. That is why it is good to be perfectly unique!


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.