Drug suspect claims police busted him immediately after he walked out of hospital

A student claimed in court on Thursday that police arrested him shortly after he walked out of the Iranian Hospital where he was given a medication that contained drugs. Prosecutors accused the 32-year-old Omani student, S.I., with consuming different kinds of drugs and mind-affecting substances. “I did not consume drugs in Dubai… I did so in Oman,” argued S.I. when he defended himself before the Dubai Court of First Instance. According to the accusation sheet, the Prosecution charged S.I. with consuming morphine, codeine, hashish, nordazepam, oxazepam, timazepam and tramadol. “I was a drug addict… the last time I consumed hashish and morphine it was in Oman and I came here for a treatment to stop addiction. I came to Dubai by bus and went to the Iranian Hospital for treatment. Doctors gave me a medication that contained drugs. The minute I walked out of hospital, police arrested me,” the student told Presiding Judge Hamad Abdul Latif Abdul Jawad. The suspect asked the court to dismiss the case for lack of crime jurisdiction. A verdict will be heard next Thursday.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.