Riemann's Cut: I Am Dr. Cocaine
Riemann's Cut: I Am Dr. Cocaine: "Cocaine caused every problem on the planet today.
The Irish banking collapse was caused by cocaine.
The global banking collapse was caused by cocaine.
HIV and STDs are spread by cocaine.
Alcoholism is just cocaine addiction in sheeps clothing.
Robin Williams is full of cocaine in every film he made.
Scarface is 100% accurate depiction of an average cocaine user.
All gun crime is commited under the influence of cocaine.
Children only misbehave because they've taken cocaine.
I describe entrie races of people as peasants.
Cocaine is a curse on us all from the indigenous 'peasants' of the Americas.
I don't understand why God made cocaine.
God must have been on Meth when he created the coca plant.
I am God's spokes person on Earth.
I wanted to be a rock star when I was growing up, but mammy and daddy made me do medicine.
I am now living out my rock star dream by talking to every radio station in Ireland.
I love the sound of my own voice."
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