DMX was heard to say "I ain't going back to no f***ing jail" as he walked away from the podium

extradition hearing for DMX in Miami on August 26 could have gone better. He appeared before Miami-Dade Circuit Court Judge Lawrence Schwartz, hoping to be released on bond and ordered back to Arizona, where he faces multiple charges drug and paraphernalia possession.
However, as in a previous decision, Schawrtz decided to uphold the no bond status attached to a bench warrant issued for the rapper's arrest on August 12. The judge's decision means that X will have to remain in custody in South Florida, for at least one more month.With the decision handed down, DMX was heard to say "I ain't going back to no f***ing jail" as he walked away from the podium, a statement which did not sit well with the court."Oh, well that just ingratiated you to me," Schwartz replied before issuing a warning to X's lawyer, Charles Kozelka.
DMX was arrested at a North Miami Beach Wal-Mart store on August 14, just three days after missing a court appearance in Phoenix. He was set to go on trial for four counts of possessing drug paraphernalia and one count of possession of marijuana.
At the time of his arrest, Kozelka told the courts that he had missed the Phoenix appearance because he had checked into a Miami hospital, as a preliminary step to entering a drug rehab program.You're insane if you haven't seen this coming from a mile away but really, I think it's for his own good. If he's in jail, he can't do any further damage to himself or others, unless he decides to ‘keep it real' or something.In a somewhat more amusing piece, DMX is going to be starring in a reality TV show about, what else, his legal problems.
The show is going to be titled DMX: This Life of Mine and will follow DMX's attempt to resolve a string of legal problems, which include six arrests since May of 2008.
This Life of Mine will also feature DMX attempting to rehabilitate to himself, as he simultaneously attempts to avoid being sent to prison for pending charges of possessing drug paraphernalia, possessing marijuana, animal cruelty charges and theft, for allegedly giving a fake name when he was treated at a Scottsdale hospital earlier this year."In many ways, my life has been an open book," DMX said in a statement. "[But] I haven't always been the one writing the story. With this show; however, people will get to see and hear with their own eyes and ears what really goes on in my life and I think they'll come to understand me a little bit better with each episode.""When we were approached about doing this show, we knew right away that we wanted to be involved," After Platinum, the company behind the show, CEO Ernie Romero said. "DMX is a complex man and this show will reveal his many sides: the street side and the spiritual side, all rolled up in one." Complex? Uh…bizarre may be a better word.
DMX also believes the show will change the public's perception about him:
"After watching this show, people will come to realize that despite all the stories and all the rumors about me, despite how well they may think they know me, there is another side to DMX that they have never seen and hopefully, it will make people question what they see and hear about me in the future".
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