Most studies of cyberaddiction are deeply problematical
Most studies of cyberaddiction are deeply problematical because they 22:17 0 Comments
draw on small (sometimes ludicrously small) and often self-selected populations
have no independent oversight
involve serious uncertainties about questionnaire structure and data handling or about the interpretation of figures and answers
are not benchmarked against widely recognised independent research
fail to differentiate between time spent online at work and non-occupational use.
All these criteria can apply to people who watch a lot of television.
Psychologists and psychiatrists formally define substance dependence as a disorder characterized by criteria that include spending a great deal of time using the substance; using it more often than one intends; thinking about reducing use or making repeated unsuccessful efforts to reduce use; giving up important social, family or occupational activities to use it; and reporting withdrawal symptoms when one stops using it. All these criteria can apply to people who watch a lot of television.22:16 0 Comments
Warning on Television viewing in 1952 strikes a cord
no matter how good any given television show is, to look at that tube of lights and shadows almost invariably brings to mind such things as death, tuberculosis, cats howling on the back fence, incest, dishes in the sink, etc. 22:15 0 Comments
Such a reaction ... applies particularly to looking at television alone. A hair-in-the-mouth, screaming-nerves sensation comes from viewing television in solitude, an act of the same category as drinking in solitude or taking morphine while shut up in a closet, but much worse.
Furthermore ... to look at it for any length of time, even in the company of others, causes sexual impotence, shortens the life span, makes the hair and teeth fall out, and encourages early psychosis in otherwise normal people.
For some people Earth is where they really ought to spend their time. For others, perhaps the fantasy world is the only decent place available.
When people spend dozens of hours weekly at their computers, or on the internet, or playing video games, it is almost certain that some other activities will suffer. The question is, when does this behaviour warrant the label 'addiction'? Addiction is a strong word, calling for both renunciation on the part of the subject and forceful intervention by others ... a behaviour becomes problematic when, and only when, it degrades other important things in life. A 60-hour-a-week compulsive EverQuest user who fails to speak to his own children when they come home from school is engaging in problematic behaviour. But consider the same user, living alone, with all his friends being online and in the game - is his devotion of time to cyberspace problematic? In the end we can only judge whether presence in the virtual world is good or bad by reference to the ordinary daily life of the person making the choice to go there. For some people Earth is where they really ought to spend their time. For others, perhaps the fantasy world is the only decent place available.22:13 0 Comments
United States 244,661,900 Pornographic Web Pages
United States 244,661,900 09:57 0 Comments
Germany 10,030,200
United Kingdom 8,506,800
Australia 5,655,800
Japan 2,700,800
The Netherlands 1,883,800
Russia 1,080,600
Poland 1,049,600
Spain 852,800
US Pornography Titles Released
Year Titles 09:54 0 Comments
1988 1,300
1989 1,350
1990 1,340
1991 1,505
1992 2,200
1993 2,400
1994 3,200
1995 5,700
1996 8,000
1997 8,000
1998 9,200
1999 10,300
2000 11,500
2001 10,900
2002 11,700
2003 11,400
2004 12,000
2005 13,588
Diagnostics for Cyber Addiction
A demonstrated "loss of control" when trying to stop or limit the amount of time on the computer. (Breaking promises to self or others. Promising to quit or cut down and not being able to do so) 09:52 0 Comments
Being dishonest or minimizing the extent of the time you stay on the computer, or covering up or being dishonest about what activities you participate in when on the computer.
Negative consequences experienced by the computer user or his/her friends or family as a direct result of time or activities spent on the computer.
Participation in high risk or normally unacceptable behaviors when using the computer. Compromising your morals and values based on the opportunity to remain anonymous and protected on the computer. (a good test for this is to ask yourself if your spouse, partner or family would approve of what you were doing on the computer)
An overdeveloped sense of importance for the computer in ones life. Defending your right to use the computer as much as desired, regardless of the fact that people in your life are feeling left out and neglected. (denial of the problem and justification; not being able to hear or feel what the other people are saying regarding your computer behavior)
Mixed feelings of euphoria (a "rush"), combined with feelings of guilt brought on by either the inordinate amount of time spent on the computer or the abnormal behavior acted out while using the computer.
Feelings of depression or anxiety when something or someone shortens your time or interrupts your plans to use the computer.
Preoccupation with the computer and computer activities when you are not using the computer (thinking about the computer and its activities when doing something else; i.e. having a family dinner, working on project deadline etc.)
Finding yourself using the computer at times when you are feeling uncomfortable, irritated, or sad about something happening in your life. ( feeling uncomfortable in your relationship, so you will self medicate and "hide out" on the computer) Using time on the computer to become externally focused outside yourself as a way to avoid facing what is happening in your life, and avoiding feeling the appropriate feelings inside yourself. (self medicating)
Experiencing financial concerns or problems in your life as a result of money being spent on computer hardware, computer on-line charges, or any other costs associated with computers. (Spending money on computer related items which should have been allocated to other normal living expenses)
Cyber Anonymous
When someone finally realizes they have a problem, however, help is available. There are a number of web sites available for the treatment of Internet addiction. They include sites like Cyber Anonymous or ”CYANON“ There is even software available for addicts. One such package is Graham’s Mac Shareware. However, trying to cure on-line addiction by going on-line is probably not the best answer. Face to face counseling is probably the best method for dealing with this problem. The availability of this type of counseling is expanding rapidly. Over the past two years, two major clinics have also been established to treat this addiction.09:44 0 Comments
High use of pornography among Internet addicts
There's a very high use of pornography among Internet addicts. Sixty-two percent of Internet addicts are logging on to porn sites. However, forty-six percent of non-addicts are also logging on to those sites. But don't forget, two-thirds of the 18,000 people we surveyed were men, who tend to access porn sites more regularly. Clearly, an aspect of the addictive nature of the Internet cannot be separated from sexual interest and/or addiction, but I believe there are other aspects of the Internet separate from sexuality that are addictive in and of themselves.09:43 0 Comments
thumbnail sketch of online addiction
Essentially, if you're spending a lot of time online and it's really interfering with your life. That's the quick thumbnail sketch. If it’s causing difficulty in your life, interfering with work, home or Relationships, than you may have a problem. Questions such as: Are you spending an excessive amount of time online? Are you preoccupied with the Internet? Are you keeping it a secret from people? Do other people think you might have a problem? Do you experience intense intimacy while online? Can you not wait to go online or to use the computer? These can all be signs of addiction.09:41 0 Comments
Addictive patterns is identifying the problem Trading Addiction
The first step in dealing with any addictive pattern is identifying it--and identifying it as a problem. Here are a few questions that you might ask yourself: 09:34 0 Comments
Have there been times when I told myself to stop trading, but still found myself placing trades any way? ~ Do I find myself overtrading by putting on positions with too large size or by trading during periods when nothing is happening? ~ Have my trading losses created problems for me in my relationship(s), or have they caused financial problems for me? ~ Have people close to me told me that I need to stop trading? Is the pain from losing more extreme than the satisfaction from winning? ~ Do I find my moods fluctuating with my P/L? ~ Do I trade simply out of boredom sometimes? ~ Do I find myself preoccupied with trading outside of market hours at the cost of other work and relationships?
Notice that, for many of these questions, you could substitute the word "drinking" or "gambling" for "trading". The dynamics of addictions are the same across the board. If you answered yes to three or more of these questions, I would suggest that trading has become a problem for you.
How does one deal with addictive trading? The first step is to identify it, but the second--and harder--step is to acknowledge that you need help for it. It's pride that tells us we can handle it on our own through will power, but addictions wouldn't occur in the first place if will power were sufficient to prevent consequences.
Telling yourself you can manage your own addiction is itself a form of denial. That is why a key step in Alcoholics Anonymous is acknowledging that you are powerless against alcohol. That is why AA substitutes mutual support for drinking and advocates abstinence as a goal.
Through books, self-help groups, and counseling, you learn to identify the thought and behavior patterns that drive your addictive behaviors. You also learn to identify cravings in advance and channel these in productive directions.
Most of all, you regain a measure of control over your life and end the negative consequences of the addiction. If you find yourself unable to control your trading and you find the emotional, financial, and social consequences mounting, that's not a passion for trading. It's an addiction.
Let's look at the facts:
An addiction occurs when an activity provides a strong source of stimulation that, over time, leads to psychological and sometimes physical dependence. We generally label a behavior as an addiction when people seek out the activity even in the face of demonstrable negative consequences. It is the inability to stop the activity when those consequences interfere with life that marks any addiction. 09:33 0 Comments
Let's look at the facts:
According to research cited by the National Council on Problem Gambling, 2 million adults (1% of the population) meet the diagnostic criteria for pathological gambling. Another 4-8 million adults (2-4% of the population) can be considered problem gamblers who are experiencing direct problems as a consequence of gambling.
Research in psychology and psychiatry reported in the Oxford Textbook of Psychopathology finds that between 14 and 16 million Americans meet diagnostic criteria for alcohol abuse or dependence. Between 4-6 million Americans are dependent upon illegal drugs.
Rates of substance abuse among men ages 18-44 are double those of the general population.
A family history of addictive problems is one of the best predictors of risk for addiction. Peer influence is another significant risk factor.
According to a research review in the Oxford Textbook, rates of depression are significantly higher among people with addictions than in the general population, with indications that people are using the addictive activities to medicate themselves for the pain of depression.
Addictions are also most common among individuals with attention deficits and hyperactivity problems and appear to be related to sensation-seeking among those needing stimulation.
Online affairs
Online affairs account for a growing number of divorce cases and it is the most frequently treated problem at the Center for Online Addiction. Partners engaged in an online affair go through several personality changes and often rationalize that an online affair isn’t really cheating. They believe it is a harmless flirtation because it doesn’t involve any “physical touching”. However, the emotional pain and devastation to a once warm and loving relationship is just the same.10:22 0 Comments
Cybersex/Pornography Addiction
Cybersex/Pornography Addiction is a specific sub-type of Internet addiction. Estimates suggest that 1 in 5 Internet addicts are engaged in some form of online sexual activity (primarily viewing cyberporn and/or engaging in cybersex). Studies show that men are more likely to view cyberporn, while women are more likely to engage in erotic chat. People who suffer from low self-esteem, a distorted body image, untreated sexual dysfunction, or a prior sexual addiction are more at risk to develop cybersex/cyberporn addictions. In particular, sex addicts often turn to the Internet as a new and safe sexual outlet to fulfill their underlying compulsive habit.10:20 0 Comments
US shows signs of net addiction
14% of respondents said they cannot stay away from the internet 10:19 0 Comments
More than one in eight adults in the US show signs of being addicted to the internet, a study has shown.
"Addicts" showed signs of compulsive internet use, habitually checking e-mail, websites and chat rooms.
More than 8% of the 2,513 respondents to the Stanford University phone survey said they hid their use from partners.
A typical addict is a single, white college-educated male in his 30s, who spends more than 30 hours a week on "non-essential" computer use, it found.
"We often focus on how wonderful the internet is; how simple and efficient it can make things," said Dr Elias Aboujaoude of the Stanford University School of Medicine and one of the researchers behind the study.
"But we need to consider the fact that it creates real problems for a subset of people."
For obese people overeating is akin to drug addiction, research suggests. 10:17 0 Comments
Scans on seven overweight people revealed the regions of the brain that controlled satiety were the same as those in drug addicts craving drugs.
The US team who carried out the research said the findings could potentially help to uncover new treatments for obesity.
The work, led by a New York scientist, is published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Sunbathing may be a physical addiction, research in the United States suggests. 10:16 0 Comments
Scientists believe exposure to ultraviolet rays may stimulate the release of chemicals in the blood which produce a natural high.
The team from Wake Forest University in North Carolina say this may explain why some people are prepared to ignore the cancer risk of too much sun.
The research is published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.
The study warns that the explosive growth of the internet will lead to more on-line betting opportunities
Internet gamblers may be more likely to have a serious gambling problem than other gamblers, say researchers. 08:07 0 Comments
It is thought that the web may attract people who are trying to hide their gambling addiction.
The availability of internet gambling may draw individuals who seek out isolated and anonymous contexts for their gambling behaviours
The study warns that the explosive growth of the internet will lead to more on-line betting opportunities - and thus increase the risk of more people suffering from the health and emotional difficulties associated with compulsive gambling.
I lost £30,000 gambling online, it’s not like it feels like real money! Right?
My story begins around the summer of 2003. I saw an advert in a men's magazine for online poker, sounded like fun! 08:06 1 Comments
To my detriment I had a wireless network in my house newly setup which meant that I could install this “poker” and play in the living room while still speaking to my partner who was watching the TV.
It took a couple of minutes to load/install the program and I was off…buzzing.
Imagine being in a “live” poker game while sitting in my living room! Cool.
After 20 minutes I won $137 with a full house, and well if you are reading this then I guess that sound small, but when you started gambling – that was a monster! Remember? No? Hmm I know, what would $137 accomplish now? Nothing.
No lecture here then, my problem, online poker.
My losses, hard to pinpoint but it would be safe to assume it is around £30,000/$55,000 which is enough to shame most people into thinking dark thoughts.
Yes, I lost £30,000 gambling online, it’s not like it feels like real money! Right?
I lost £30,000 gambling online, it’s not like it feels like real money! Right?
My story begins around the summer of 2003. I saw an advert in a men's magazine for online poker, sounded like fun! 08:06 0 Comments
To my detriment I had a wireless network in my house newly setup which meant that I could install this “poker” and play in the living room while still speaking to my partner who was watching the TV.
It took a couple of minutes to load/install the program and I was off…buzzing.
Imagine being in a “live” poker game while sitting in my living room! Cool.
After 20 minutes I won $137 with a full house, and well if you are reading this then I guess that sound small, but when you started gambling – that was a monster! Remember? No? Hmm I know, what would $137 accomplish now? Nothing.
No lecture here then, my problem, online poker.
My losses, hard to pinpoint but it would be safe to assume it is around £30,000/$55,000 which is enough to shame most people into thinking dark thoughts.
Yes, I lost £30,000 gambling online, it’s not like it feels like real money! Right?
Online Gambling is becoming an increasingly popular form of gambling, and there are now an estimated 1,700 gambling websites on the Internet. As well as the Internet, you can now gamble through interactive television and a mobile phone.08:03 0 Comments
The convenience of gambling at home, the ease of setting up an gambling account and the variety of forms of gambling - from traditional betting, to casino gambling, bingo and lotteries - makes online gambling very appealing.
However, whilst many people gamble online without any problems GamCare has started to see an increase in the amount of people contacting our helpline and counselling services who are losing control of their gambling online.
There are some factors of online gambling that could certainly increase the risk of developing a gambling problem. These are:
>The ability to gamble 24 hours a day in your own home
>The increased risk of exposure and access by children
>The absorption of computers, leading people to lose track of time whilst gambling
>The decrease in the perception of the value of cash - i.e. players are forgetting that they are spending money
potential markers of problematic Internet use are present in a sizeable portion of the population
"Our telephone survey suggests that potential markers of problematic Internet use are present in a sizeable portion of the population," the researchers noted in their paper, which appears in the October issue of CNS Spectrums: The International Journal of Neuropsychiatric Medicine. "We often focus on how wonderful the Internet is - how simple and efficient it can make things," elaborated lead author Elias Aboujaoude, MD. "But we need to consider the fact that it creates real problems for a subset of people."15:43 0 Comments
bet on the outcome of the Oscars or who will win on Survivor
People can go online and bet about whether Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie will get married or if Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’s marriage will last. They can bet on the outcome of the Oscars or who will win on Survivor. These are the new kind of bets that are done by people who might not normally visit a gambling site.15:40 0 Comments
Internet gamblers were more likely to suffer from health and emotional problems
Internet gamblers were more likely to have a serious gambling than other gamblers. Furthermore, Internet gamblers were more likely to suffer from health and emotional problems such as substance abuse, circulatory disease, depression, and risky sexual behaviors.15:39 0 Comments
one million young people currently are using Internet gambling sites on a monthly basis
the University of Pennsylvania show that more than one million young people currently are using Internet gambling sites on a monthly basis. Among males 18 to 22, Internet gambling doubled in the past year.15:38 0 Comments
video game overuse an addiction
In today's headlines, the American Medical Association is considering video game overuse an addiction. While they say a final diagnostic classification for the behavior is a ways off, studies have been conducted and clinical evidence is mounting to support the validity of this new syndrome.15:36 0 Comments
addicted to chat rooms
Many people who are addicted to chat rooms use them for sexual gratification. lThis can lead to cybersexual affairs. lWarning signs include: ¡You give personal details in chat rooms. ¡You become defensive when the subject is discussed. ¡You fantasize about chat rooms. ¡You do not get an appropriate amount of sleep because of the time spent in chat rooms.23:32 0 Comments
An estimated 5-10% of the population suffer from internet addiction
An estimated 5-10% of the population suffer from internet addiction lThe most common form of internet addictions are cybersex and cyberporn addiction. l30% use the internet to escape negative feelings. lChat rooms are believed to be the most addicting form of online communication. lThe rate of internet addiction increases the longer someone has been exposed to the internet. lThe largest group of internet addicts is composed of students and retirees.23:31 0 Comments
Types of On-Line disfunction
Cyberporn Addiction lOnline Auction Addiction lObsessive Role Play Gaming lCompulsive Online Gambling lChat Room Addiction lCompulsive Surfing lCybersexual Addiction lCybersexual Affairs23:30 0 Comments
Compulsive surfing
Compulsive surfing often accompanies other internet addictions. lPeople who suffer from compulsive surfing often exhibit other obsessive compulsive tendencies. lCompulsive surfing often starts as a way to escape problems. lWarning signs include: ¡Gathering and sorting information irrelevant information ¡Any other form of internet addiction is present ¡Fantasizes about next opportunity to surf the internet ¡23:28 0 Comments
eBay addiction
eBay addiction is a new and increasingly worrisome category under the umbrella diagnosis of Internet Addiction. Due to the popularity of online auctions such as eBay, a growing number of individuals are showing signs of addition related these sites in the past decade.23:27 0 Comments
For the addict, winning the bid represents an emotional rush or high. It isn’t the item but the experience of winning that keeps them bidding. Online auction houses create a stimulating place where users can conquer others as the highest bidder, which can be intoxicating as one beats out others in the last precious seconds to win the desired prize.
In moderate cases, eBay addicts will wake up at strange hours just to be there for the last remaining minutes of an online auction. “It was 5 am and I couldn’t log on,” explains one eBay addict. “I had a complete breakdown, I started crying, and my husband didn’t know what to do with me. That’s when I realized I had a real problem.”
In more serious cases, eBay addicts feel a sense of accomplishment when they discover they are the highest bidder and begin to bid on items they don’t need just to experience the rush of winning – sometimes to the point that they go into financial debt, take out a second mortgage, or even go into bankruptcy just to afford their online purchases. One client stole funds from her husband’s 401K until he discovered her addiction. “He shut down my account and threatened to divorce me,” she explained. “I was about to lose my marriage all because I couldn’t stop myself from using eBay.”
Cybersex/Pornography Addiction
Cybersex/Pornography Addiction is a specific sub-type of Internet addiction. Estimates suggest that 1 in 5 Internet addicts are engaged in some form of online sexual activity (primarily viewing cyberporn and/or engaging in cybersex). Studies show that men are more likely to view cyberporn, while women are more likely to engage in erotic chat. People who suffer from low self-esteem, a distorted body image, untreated sexual dysfunction, or a prior sexual addiction are more at risk to develop cybersex/cyberporn addictions. In particular, sex addicts often turn to the Internet as a new and safe sexual outlet to fulfill their underlying compulsive habit.23:25 0 Comments
Sample from The Man in the Glass
"The road is long, with many a winding turn........."15:07 0 Comments
Never have truer words been spoken - especially when it comes to substance addiction recovery.
When we first decide to crawl out of the darkness and take our tentative steps in the light of sobriety, it's an amazing experience. We begin to feel stronger and our reasoning abilities become a lot clearer.
......then the emotional crash, the "honeymoon" period is over.
Perhaps you have experienced this and know what I mean. The "high" of making the decision to clean up and detoxing has gone. You are now back in the community and facing it on it's terms, learning to cope.
You may be alone, isolated in your pain that "normal" people can never understand. You grieve for your lost "friend", even though that friend was actually your worst enemy. You become irritable, uninterested, depressed -perhaps even suicidal. This can lead to a "bust", a bust you may never recover from -remember, that if we are addicted we cannot control our substance intake. The "just one more time" may seal your fate. And as we all know, there are worse things in life than death -the insanity of addiction. You may not be lucky enough to die the next time.
Sample of the WOW survey
Indicate to what extent you agree with each of the following items CONCERNING WORLD OF WARCRAFT (WoW). 15:03 0 Comments
Not agree at all Very slightly agree Slightly agree Moderately agree Mostly agree Strongly agree Very strongly agree
1. Playing WoW is in harmony with other activities in my life.
2. I have difficulties controlling my urge to play WoW.
3. The new things that I discover in WoW allow me to appreciate it even more.
4. I have almost an obsessive feeling for WoW.
5. WoW reflects the qualities I like about myself.
6. WoW allows me to live a variety of experiences.
7. WoW is the only thing that really turns me on.
8. WoW is well integrated in my life.
9. If I could, I would only play to WoW.
10. WoW is in harmony with other things that are part of me.
11. WoW is so exciting that I sometimes lose control over it.
12. I have the impression that WoW controls me.
13. I spend a lot of time playing WoW.
14. I like playing WoW.
15. Playing WoW is important for me.
16. Playing WoW is a passion for me.
17. Playing WoW is part of who I am.
ONline Survey
1. Indicate to what extent you agree with each of the following items CONCERNING WORLD OF WARCRAFT (WoW). 15:01 0 Comments
Not agree at all Very slightly agree Slightly agree Moderately agree Mostly agree Strongly agree Very strongly agree
1. Playing WoW is in harmony with other activities in my life.
2. I have difficulties controlling my urge to play WoW.
3. The new things that I discover in WoW allow me to appreciate it even more.
4. I have almost an obsessive feeling for WoW.
5. WoW reflects the qualities I like about myself.
6. WoW allows me to live a variety of experiences.
7. WoW is the only thing that really turns me on.
8. WoW is well integrated in my life.
9. If I could, I would only play to WoW.
10. WoW is in harmony with other things that are part of me.
11. WoW is so exciting that I sometimes lose control over it.
12. I have the impression that WoW controls me.
13. I spend a lot of time playing WoW.
14. I like playing WoW.
15. Playing WoW is important for me.
16. Playing WoW is a passion for me.
17. Playing WoW is part of who I am.
40 percent of World of Warcraft’s players are addicted to the game.
"Researchers say there's little difference between drug use, excessive gambling and heavy game playing. In fact, Orzack says that as much as 40 percent of World of Warcraft’s players are addicted to the game."14:56 0 Comments
the number of online gamblers in the UK increases steadily10:27 0 Comments
An internet gambling addict has been jailed for stealing £1m from his employers to fund his habit.
An internet gambling addict has been jailed for stealing £1m from his employers to fund his habit.10:26 0 Comments
paradise for online gamers
South Korea is one of the most wired societies in the world. 10:22 0 Comments
More than half the population has access to the internet, and there are more than 25,000 cyber cafes - known here as PC Bangs - which are open 24 hours a day across the country.
The country is a global leader when it comes to number of people who can access broadband, or high speed internet services, with the number of broadband subscribers exceeding 10 million.
It is a paradise for online gamers, who come from all over the world to play in South Korea.
Kim Kyung-jae died after playing non-stop for 86 hours
The government haSouth Korea. s been behind efforts to promote South Korea as an IT and cyber leader. But the more negative impacts of over-reliance on the web have only been recently acknowledged and are starting to be addressed.
An extreme case of internet obsession hit the news headlines last month when 24-year-old Kim Kyung-jae collapsed and died after playing computer games at an internet cafe in the south-western city of Kwangju.
UK Drug Policy Commission said more addicts were being treated.
The UK has an unusually severe drugs problem and the government's strategy has had a very limited impact on drug use, a new watchdog body has been told. 10:20 0 Comments
The report for the independent UK Drug Policy Commission said more addicts were being treated.
But it added that the benefits were limited, and there was little evidence education schemes had had an impact.
The Home Office insisted the strategy was working - with a 16% decline in drug use since 1998.
Nigerian women held in UK jails
The number of Nigerian women held in UK jails on drugs offences has risen six-fold in three years.10:16 0 Comments
Nigerian gangs are taking over heroin smuggling
Illegal drug cultivation, trafficking and abuse are on the rise in Africa, says the United Nations. How seriously should we be taking this problem? 10:13 0 Comments
Worldwide, it seems that Nigerian gangs are taking over heroin smuggling. Ghanaian MP Eric Amoateng is awaiting trial in New York for allegedly smuggling over $6m worth of heroin into the United States.
In Zanzibar 8% of young people are heroin addicts, and in South Africa one-third of teenagers experiment with drugs.
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- 60
- 63
- 716 1/2 W. Main St.
- 800 pints in a lifetime
- a BBC investigation has revealed.
- a condition that makes the immune system incapable of fighting off infections
- a conviction for burglary
- A coroner warned cocaine use has become too common among young people after hearing a teenager killed herself and a friend in a road crash while high on the drug.
- A Cure for Addiction to Sweet Drinks
- a decongestant found in over-the-counter cold medicines
- a Diamond Bar resident
- A drug user has died in a Lancashire hospital after being infected with anthrax
- A father-of-two infuriated a judge after it had emerged that he has pocketed 16
- A fifth of young drug users admit to taking substances without having any idea of what they contain
- a film about addiction
- A former lover of David Cameron became a nun after beating an alcohol and drug addiction
- A man who killed his friend when he injected him with heroin has been jailed for a total of five years.
- a member of pop group Girlicious
- A mind-altering drug banned in Britain two years ago is being blamed for the spate of cannibal attacks in America.
- a naked man attempting to strangle his partner and brawls.
- A Nation 'Addicted' To Statins...
- A New York woman
- A recent study suggests that cannabis use causes lower IQ in under 18s. It also lowers acknowledgement of alternative explanations
- A sex addicted former district attorney from Wisconsin
- A SHEPHERD'S Bush drug addict has been found guilty of stabbing his friend to death and trying to cover up his crime by torching the flat.
- a survey has revealed.
- about $100
- abuse of cough syrups (codeine)
- academics and lawyers says current drugs laws stigmatise people and damage communities
- according to controversial advice from the government'sdrugs advisory body.
- according to researchers in the US.
- According to the controversial TV host and author
- accused of carrying out a string of burglaries was addicted to heroin
- Actor Charlie Sheen's estranged wife
- Actor Joo Ji-hoon
- actor's lawyer Mark Werksman
- Ad campaign shows smoking's scary side
- Addicted in Hollywood: Fame
- Addicted to stress
- ADDICTION charity Focus12 has received a huge financial boost after a codumentary about Russell Brand was shown last night.
- Addiction could be due to inheritance
- Addiction doesn’t excuse disgraced Bishop Raymond Lahey
- Addiction Identified as Chronic Brain Disorder
- Addiction Recovery
- Addiction's Brain Abnormalities Can Be Reversed
- Addictive painkiller sales surge in new parts of U.S.
- Addicts may have glitch in frontal brain
- admitted conspiracy to supply heroin and cannabis and was jailed for 10 years
- Afghan heroin kingpin convicted in U.S. court
- afraid of a shadowy group he believes is responsible for killing a number of his Hollywood friends
- After being on the run for 15 years
- age of miracles
- Agents arrest six in California medical marijuana chain
- Aging and addicted
- agranulocytosis
- Alarm sounded over black tar heroin use Cartels find market among young and rich
- Alastair Campbell on drink: 'I paid a heavy price'
- Albert Hetrick
- Alberta health officials will no longer hand out free crack pipes to addicts in Calgary.
- Alcohol
- alcohol abuse
- Alcohol ban urged for young drivers
- Alcohol fuels rise in British arrests abroad
- Alcohol Health Alliance
- alcohol in red wine actually weakens its ability to lower blood pressure.
- Alcohol policy in tatters as health experts revolt
- Alcohol the only drug that kills on withdrawal:Winehouse's dad says he thinks seizure killed her
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Alleged Heroin Dealer Shot Twice By Police
- allegedly high on “bath salts”
- also known as DMX
- also known as miaow miaow
- although controversial
- America
- America's Worst Tattoos features grammatically-incorrect mottos
- American Indian tribes
- American singer JIMMY BAUER has been detained at a Dominican airport on suspicion of attempting to smuggle cocaine to the U.S. in his stomach.
- American soldiers seeking treatment for opiate abuse has skyrocketed over the past five years
- Americans are addicted to everything from shopping
- Amy Winehouse 'spent £1 million on drugs in three years`
- Amy Winehouse died during detox?
- Amy Winehouse Foundation to help addicts is planned by singer's father
- Amy Winehouse had no illegal drugs in body when she died
- Amy Winehouse leaves £2 million fortune behind
- Amy Winehouse’s appetites for music and self-destruction often came in equal measure.
- an accused cocaine dealer who used to live in Henrico is in custody.
- An antidote to heroin overdoses should be made widely available without prescription
- ANC national spokesman Jackson Mthembu has broken his silence about his son’s devastating drug addiction
- And Beer
- and certain processed fatty foods
- and Jacob Sur
- and muscle aches?
- and Prescription Drugs in System at Time of Death
- and some ADHD medication thrown in for good measure.
- and the Cycle of Addiction
- Andrey Nevsky
- Angry Birds” – which is basically a drone that has been specially developed to take down drug-running ultralight airplanes that are utilized by gangs in order to smuggle illegal substances
- Anna Malova was released on Friday by a Manhattan courthouse and headed straight for a year of inpatient addiction treatment at a Bronx drug-treatment program.
- Anthrax
- anthrax-infected heroin
- anthrax-infected heroin health scare which has seen seven people die in Scotland so far with another 14 hospitalised
- anti-depressants
- Anti-obesity campaigns ''aren't working''
- anti-spasmodic
- any press is good press
- Are you addicted to your smartphone?
- argues man on treatment should be hired
- Arizona
- armed men raided a drug rehabilitation centre
- Army probes drug use by soldiers in Afghanistan
- Army Records Show
- Arnold Schwarzenegger's proposal to eliminate state funding for treating heroin addicts
- arrested Tara L. Reynolds
- as seen in this footage received from the Peruvian government.
- assortment of synthetic cocaine
- at King's Health Partners in London
- Atlanta
- Aussie Edward Norman Myatt was 'unaware' of Bali drug penalties
- Australia's binge-drinking culture
- Australian man was sentenced to 18 years in jail by an Indonesian court on Monday for smuggling drugs into the resort island of Bali.
- Australian Michael Sacatides has reacted with shock after being hit with a heavier jail term than expected
- Australian soldier serving in Afghanistan may have overdosed on drugs
- Authorities also confiscated 46.23 pounds of cocaine.
- Authorities in Mali have arrested four people after an aircraft loaded with 10 tonnes of cocaine crashed in the country in 2009
- B.C.
- B.C. skipper linked to cocaine shipment posed beside pile of cash
- Bacon
- Bad ecstasy’ warning after north man dies
- Bad heroin kills two in Vancouver: police
- Bad heroin may be making the rounds in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside
- Bahamas
- Bai Ling: Why I’m on ‘Celebrity Rehab
- Bali
- BALI Nine drug mule Martin Stephens' final appeal
- Bali Nine Stephens to make final appeal
- BALIi Nine ringleader Andrew Chan is said to be relaxed despite losing a final appeal against his death sentence.
- Bangkok-based drug-users support group
- bar none
- Barbados
- bath salts
- bath salts and teens: Lethal combination
- Bath Salts: A new designer drug hits Belltown
- BBC exposes tobacco crime gangs in Scotland
- beach-goer found $2.1 million worth of cocaine
- because God is watching
- before she was kicked out of the competition on last night’s show.
- Beijing will execute as early as Monday a Japanese man convicted last year of drug trafficking
- Being optimistic can save your life
- Belinda Carlisle Beat a 30-Year Drug Habit
- Bergen
- Beverly Hills
- Big Book Sponsorship has helped hundreds of thousands of people with addiction.
- Billionaire Tetra Pak heir Hans Kristian Rausing may have lived with the body of his wife Eva for a week
- Blocking Out Drugs?
- Bloomberg Backs Plan to Limit Arrests for Marijuana
- bludgeoned his girlfriend to death and then stole her ATM card to buy crack cocaine
- Blue tablets which left 14 people needing emergency hospital treatment in Fort William are still being used
- Blues legend Gary Moore died after drink binge
- Bob Probert
- Bobby Brown Glad to Be 'Off the Heroin
- body builds up a tolerance for heroin
- bolstered by a wider £269
- booze and pills' in final months
- Booze blitz sees 251 arrests in NSW
- Boozy films 'turn children into drinkers'
- Boxing champion Oscar de la Hoya has 10 world titles and one Olympic gold medal to his name. But this week he said he’s fighting his toughest opponents yet: depression and addiction.
- Boy George
- Brain scans may show addiction to soda
- Breaking Free of the Co-dependency Trap
- Breast implant scandal: taxpayers face £100 million bill
- Brian Regan: Brookside star to cocaine addict
- Britain highest cocaine use in the European Union
- Britain's FBI 'abandoned chasing crime Mr Bigs because it's too difficult'
- British cities are becoming no-go areas where drugs gangs are effectively in control
- British rocker Pete Doherty has been warned he faces a return to jail after he pleaded guilty to possessing cocaine on Friday.
- British troops in Helmand province's Camp Bastion were allegedly involved in a large heroin-smuggling operation
- British troops' role in the smuggling of heroin from southern Afghanistan could no longer be kept under wraps
- British Woman Pregnant From Prison Rape Faces Execution in Laos for Drug Smuggling
- Briton Khuram Antonio Khan Garcia
- Britons drink 5
- broke down in tears today
- Broke Mueller
- Brooke Mueller Flips Out Over Charlie
- brown crystalline mephedrone
- Bruno Mars
- Buddha declared
- burnt-out wreckage of a Boeing 727
- Busts on rise for khat
- but I didn't
- but it's not a drug overdose
- Cab driver Lascell Malcolm
- Caleb Followill's Kings Of Leon bandmates 'want him to go to rehab to deal with drink problem
- Calif
- California
- California Highway Patrol
- Calum
- Calvin Klein’s ex checks into rehab post-arrest
- Cambodia opens first methadone clinic for heroin users
- Cambridge program
- Cameron has been locked up since last year
- Campaign headed by actors
- Can a hallucinogen from Africa cure addiction?
- Can a parent save their child from addiction
- Can Alcohol Kill You
- Canada and Colombia
- Canada has joined Colombia as a leading exporter of synthetic or designer drugs
- Canada’s top organized crime groups are recruiting workers at Pearson and other major airports to help them smuggle drugs and contraband into the country
- Canadian businessmen charged with drug smuggling
- Canadian researchers have discovered the genes responsible for crucial steps in the manufacture of morphine by poppies
- Cannabis: Britain's growth industry
- Cardiff
- Castaic
- Castle Craig Hospital in the Borders.
- Cat Marnell
- Cato report's author
- causing purple areas of dying flesh.
- Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
- Celebrity Rehab
- Cellphones replace smokes as the addiction of choice
- central Illinois
- Centre County Jail
- charity worker employed by one of David Cameron’s Big Society gurus has been arrested on suspicion of smuggling cocaine with a street value of £120
- Charlie Sheen 'Doesn't Think He's Going to Die
- Charlie Sheen Found in Bathroom with Cocaine Before Hotel Outburst |
- Charlie Sheen is going to die this week
- CHARLIE Sheen is in rehab over his alleged problems with cocaine and alcohol.
- Charlie Sheen Worth More as a Trainwreck
- Charlie Sheen's bizarre rooftop antics after axe
- Chattanooga
- Cheap drugs abroad could pay for break
- chemical jihad on Britain
- CHEMICAL produced in Wales is being used by law enforcement agencies throughout the world to identify smuggled stashes of cocaine.
- Child actors
- children are being taken before the youth courts for trivial reasons.
- Children recognise alcohol brand images
- Children who spend more than two hours a day in front of the computer or television are more likely to experience psychological difficulties
- Chile defender Roberto Cereceda has tested positive for cocaine and faces a two-year suspension
- China and Singapore
- Cigarette packaging: an invitation to addiction
- Cigarette Price Increase: New Zealand Government Discusses $100 A Packet Pricing
- claims a new study.
- clutching a s50 wrap of cocaine
- CNN reporter
- Coachella Valley Music Arts Festival
- cocaethylene
- Cocaine
- Cocaine Addiction
- Cocaine addiction among British women has skyrocketed by almost two-thirds in the past four years.
- Cocaine addicts vaccine that makes immune system see drug as 'intruder'
- cocaine and heroin.
- cocaine and ketamine' on the night before tragic death
- Cocaine bag burst kills smuggler
- Cocaine found in Houston's body
- Cocaine May Age the Brain
- cocaine trafficking syndicate has been cracked in a series of raids on the Gold Coast
- cocaine user was found to have a rare condition associated with the use of the Class A drug
- Cocaine vagina
- Cocaine was responsible for more than 3 percent of all sudden deaths
- Cocaine worth $130 million destroyed in Belize
- Coke and Pepsi contain tiny traces of alcohol
- Cole was addicted to heroin. Then she got clean and sober. Twenty-five years later
- Coles "used the women in his life as tools of his trade."
- Colombia: 8 Israelis suspected of drug trafficking
- COLOMBIAN lingerie model
- commonly known as “bath salts
- Compulsive
- Confessions of a Big Book Sponsor | Big BookStudies
- Conrad Murray
- consuming illicit drugs.
- CONVICTED drug dealer was caught with cocaine and crack when he was on dayrelease from an open jail
- Cops raided Charlie Sheen's home
- Coronation Street star Bruce Jones reveals how his battle against depression and drink has driven him to the brink of suicide
- Counterfeit alcohol warning
- Crack
- Crack cocaine use hastens HIV disease progression
- Crime
- Culver City
- Cumbria
- Customs agents at John F. Kennedy Airport found nearly five pounds of cocaine concealed in the soles of sneakers packed in abandoned luggage last week
- Dace Lavon Glenn
- dangerous batch of heroin is circulating in Berkshire
- Darren Day
- DEA Bans Synthetic Cocaine Masked As Bath Salts
- DEA: Heroin ‘hot spots’ throughout Charlotte
- dead man
- DEALERS working for ‘Fat’ Freddie Thompson supplied cocaine to radio legend Gerry Ryan.
- Death
- death from overdose
- death of alleged Gulf cartel leader Antonio Ezequiel Cardenas Guillen will further empower the Zetas
- Death Penalty in Singapore
- Deceased reggae star Smiley Culture was instrumental in recruiting women from Croydon to traffic drugs for distribution in the UK
- deli meat may raise pancreatic cancer risk
- Demi Lovato accused of doing cocaine by a Texas college student
- Denise Richards Talks to Daughters About Charlie Sheen's Addiction
- Denise Welch locked herself in the Coronation Street toilets
- Dennis Quaid says his greatest mistake was being addicted to cocaine when he first arrived in Hollywood.
- Detox programs
- diabetes
- Diazepam
- Did Charlie Sheen test positive for cocaine
- died of a heart attack after swigging from a bottle of rum given to him as payment for a fare - unaware that it contained liquid cocaine
- Dies at 45
- difficult week for Michael Douglas
- Dirty South
- Disaster' looms over addiction to painkillers Prescriptions for powerful drugs have soared in past 20 years
- Distance traveled: from drug addict to doctor
- Divorce
- DMX is currently in rehab
- Doherty has been in prison three times
- Doncaster
- Dope smokers puff for hash legalisation in Poland
- Dorset_rogue_heroin_fear_as_eight_taken_ill
- Dr. Peale then describes the healing of Charles through the power of Jesus Christ.
- Dream Warriors Testament the sensational serialised Addiction Journal
- Drinking alcohol
- drug
- Drug addicts are being prescribed heroin on the NHS across London
- Drug companies are working to develop a pure
- Drug couriers have started to smuggle hashish into Finland inside their bodies in small swallowable packets.
- drug dealers
- drug favoured by Horn of Africa diaspora
- Drug gangs report blasting UK cities as dangerous
- Drug house charges dropped against DJK
- Drug smuggler killed himself with own cocaine in Saughton Prison
- Drug Smuggling Accused Border Guard Baljinder Kandola At Loss For Words At Trial
- Drug suspect claims police busted him immediately after he walked out of hospital
- Drug That Killed Michael Jackson
- Drug trafficking brothers jailed for more than five years each
- Drug users are turning to legal highs
- Drug users have welcomed a massive Ecstasy bust
- Drug will make alcoholics forget that they want a drink
- drug-addicted cast member of CELEBRITY REHAB
- Drug-covered spoon found in Whitney Houston's Beverly Hilton hotel suite says report
- Drug-drivers to face jail time under new law
- drug-treatment clinic
- drugs
- drugs can be made from pseudoephedrine
- drugs gangs
- DRUGS lord who enjoyed a jet-set lifestyle was last night starting an 11-and-a-half-year jail sentence.
- Drugs with an estimated street value of more than £3 million have been recovered in a raid
- Drunken violence
- Dublin
- Dutch court bans pot for foreigners
- Dutch Law Would Stop Sale of Marijuana to Tourists
- Each addict can cost society not far off £850
- Eating Disorder Center
- Eating nuts can help stave off obesity
- ecstacy
- Ecstasy
- Edward House private rehabilitation clinic
- Edwin Valero was addicted to cocaine
- EEOC sues
- efforts to save Yong Vui Kong
- Elisabetta Canalis
- Elphia Dlamini
- Elton John First Took Cocaine in 1974
- Elton John Wants Billy Joel To Clean Himself Up
- emerging drug over the past two years has been cocaine
- Eminem talks addiction
- Enabling drug addicts
- England
- English bodybuilder addicted to steroids has died of a heart attack after being tasered by police.
- Escort dies from cocaine binge
- etc. is nothing compared to the addiction we humans have to thinking.
- Europe's top scorer in 1999 and 2002
- even in moderation
- Every 30 years in addiction treatment we experience these gigantic steps forward. … And the ten stages may well be it.
- Ex-WORLD boxing champion Ricky Hatton has apologised to fans for his descent into drink and drugs hell.
- expect more arrests
- experts warn
- experts worry
- expressed worry at the rate at which nurse anaesthetists are getting addicted to drugs.
- Facebook App Lets You Add Enemies Online
- Facebook's 'dark side': study finds link to socially aggressive narcissism
- Fake cocaine
- Falkirk
- Family members of executed drug mule in China face alleged recruiter
- Fayetteville
- featured female presenters who encouraged viewers to contact them via premium rate telephone numbers.
- Federal Criminal Sentencing Guidelines for Crack Cocaine Cases
- Fentanyl-laced heroin appears to have returned to Northwest Indiana
- Figures for 2009 to 2010 show a 12 per cent year on year increase.
- final hours of a troubled star: Amy Winehouse had 'bought ecstasy
- financial and professional stress just before his death from heart failure after using cocaine
- finding former Lee County sheriff EJ Melvin guilty of 37 of 43 of the original charges against him
- Fire at addict rehabilitation center in Peru kills 14 people
- Fla.
- Fletcher’s suspension from athletics
- flooding the global market on an almost unprecedented scale
- Florida Highway Patrol
- Florida.
- following statistics on Cocaine show just how dangerous and prevalent the drug is in our society.
- food
- Food addiction
- for about seven years
- for the maximum four years
- form of flesh-eating cocaine has afflicted drug users in New York and Los Angeles
- former Big Brother contestant
- former boyfriend of the Goldsmith heiress Robyn Whitehead has said he holds the rock singer Pete Doherty's drug fuelled lifestyle morally responsible for her drug taking which led to her death.
- Former porn star Jenna Jameson has been arrested for drink driving after crashing into a lamppost.
- former University of Vermont student will spend six months in jail for supplying drugs to his fraternity's cocaine ring.
- Fortune and the Dark Realities of Sexual Addiction
- Four former members of the Colombian army's special forces are training members of Los Zetas
- Four men - caught by police during an undercover operation transferring £2 million worth of cannabis in an underground garage
- Four police officers were stabbed as they dealt with a disturbance today in Kingsbury
- Fox crime clan are evicted from home in east end of Glasgow
- Fred Wills has owned over the years under the “Big Daddy” name
- Free heroin good for Danish addicts
- Free Rehab Placement Service Launched for Sufferers of Substance Abuse
- Freedom near after years in hell but Schapelle Corby is too scared to hope
- French police officer
- Frenship Independent School District
- Fresh hope in pancreatic cancer war
- Friends defend Gerry's memory
- Funeral home denies it's source of Whitney Houston coffin photo
- Fury over 'link' of drug arrests to Jodie's death
- Gambling
- GANG of drug dealers planned to flood Britain with £4 billion of cocaine
- Gang ringleaders: Mehmet Sirin Baybasin (left) and Paul Taylor (Pic: PA)
- gangland incidents in Dublin at the weekend
- gay people are seven times more likely to take illegal drugs than the general population
- Gazza was warned he faces a jail term after admitting drink-driving in court.
- GBL is odourless and tasteless when diluted and is sold online for as little as 50p a shot.
- GEELONG star Mathew Stokes
- Gerard Butler checks into rehab
- Germany
- Gerry Ryan 'took cocaine at work in RTE'
- Glasgow
- glitterati
- Global swoop nets huge haul of fake drugs: Interpol
- Golders Green
- Government has banned the importation of a new psychoactive drug found in some samples of the so-called 'legal high' brand 'Ivory Wave'.
- Government review
- Greater Manchester Police say they will speak to former boxing champion Ricky Hatton about newspaper allegations he snorted cocaine
- Greek Orthodox nunnery
- Greenwald
- gummy bear candy laced with the drug LSD
- Guns N’ Roses star
- Guzman drug lord's $15 million
- had at least 15 court appearances
- had been carrying 16 bags of suspected heroin and $1
- had originally entered a not guilty plea
- Hans Kristian Rausing's wife Eva 'found in sealed bin bags'
- Hard-partying young Americans have highest death rate of any high-income country
- hardest thing I do every day is not take cocaine. You don't get cured of addiction--you're just in remission
- harmful effects such as miscarriages
- has been implicated in a cocaine scandal
- has decided to go to a rehabilitation centre in Mexico to get rid of her drug addiction.
- has established a franchise here
- has recently gained attention in scientific literature and comes under the realm of atypical eating disorders.
- has said that the ‘Salt’ star was on cocaine
- have been warned against dealing in heroin.
- Having a cocaine binge at the weekend followed by three or four diazepam to get to sleep on Sunday messes up the brain's chemistry
- Hawaii
- head of the Gulf Cartel of Mexico
- Health risks of cannabis 'underestimated'
- heart infections
- Here
- Heroin
- Heroin addict fell in front of train
- Heroin addict grandson of former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey dies after 'overdose'
- Heroin and cocaine grabbed Annie Preece
- Heroin back with a vengeance
- Heroin batch in Guildford area linked to illness
- Heroin continues to be the most lethal drug killing Floridians.
- heroin had originated Afghanistan and was to be repackaged in the house before being redistributed.
- Heroin has made an aggressive comeback in central Minnesota
- Heroin horror stalks India's most remote villages
- Heroin in Chicago at crisis level
- Heroin is not only responsible for a spike in overdose deaths
- heroin or meth
- heroin use surges in U.S.
- Hi
- hidden in what appeared to be packets of cheese balls
- Hillsborough jails see increasing number of pain pill addicts
- His death is drug-related
- HIV/AIDS and hepatitis
- Hollywood
- Hooker Claims There Was Cocaine in Charlie Sheen's Room
- Houston's death puts focus on prescription drug addiction
- How alcohol is fuelling a new wave of murder
- How cocaine corrupts the brain Biomed Middle East
- How Exercise May Make Addictions Better
- How stress and depression can shrink the brain
- How to Embark on a Spiritual Journey
- How Wall Street Bankers Use Seamless To Feast On Free Lobster
- HSBC apologised
- I Am Dr. Cocaine:
- I am Osiel Cardenas Guillen
- I can watch my serenity level rise when I discard my expectations.
- I had taken on the disease concept of Alcholics Anonymous and made my first attempts at the steps.
- I knew nothing about what was coming
- I thought maybe it was almost like a suicide binge.
- Ian Bullen and Andrew Parker were back at the higher echelons of drug trading within a year of release from long prison sentences for dealing.
- Ice cream as 'addictive as drugs' says new study
- ice methamphetamine
- if arresting people for drugs was a sign of success in The War on Drugs
- If Life has no interest in the past
- If you can't beat them
- illegal sale of prescription medicines in the Riverina.
- illicit drugs market was worth an estimated $320 billion with over 5 per cent of the world's populations aged between 15 and 64 years of age
- Implanting the addiction-treatment drug buprenorphine in people who are opioid-dependent
- in early 2008
- in Key Biscayne
- increase in the number of sudden deaths among 21 to 45 year olds in Spain is being blamed on cocaine.
- Individuals who are cross-addicted are people who switch from one addiction to another
- Indonesia
- INDONESIAN authorities claim an Australian man arrested this week allegedly carrying 1.1kg of hashish inside his body was couriering for an international drug network.
- industrial origins of Scottish excess
- Infants become addicted to salt at an early age
- inhalants
- Injecting drug use is driving the fastest-growing Aids epidemic in the world.
- inmate at a maximum security jail smuggled in so much cocaine that other lags queued outside his cell to buy some
- inquest hears
- Insite
- INTELLIGENCE early on in life among women may be linked to drug-taking as they get older
- Interesting video of jungle based cocaine factory
- Internet Addiction
- Internet obsession is also real.
- Internet pornography
- Iran hanged six convicted drug traffickers in a prison west of Tehran
- Irish actor Jonathan Rhys Meyers has reportedly checked into rehab for the fourth time.
- is denying he violated his probation.
- is in a Florida jail after U.S. authorities allegedly seized 400 kilograms of cocaine from his vessel
- Is it in your neighborhood
- is likely to be arrested and prosecuted by police
- is making a comeback.
- is to keep it at steady levels.
- It’s a common question among online junkies – where did the time go?
- It's Not Dementia
- It's Your Heart Medication: Cholesterol Drugs and Memory
- Italian police seize cocaine worth $340m
- Italy government hangs by thread as coalition crumbles
- Jack Nicholson
- Jacksonville Jaguars
- jail sentences in Italy on drug smuggling charges.
- James Rosemond Convicted of Running Multimillion-Dollar Drug Ring
- Japan
- Japan: Yeshiva Boy Freed from Prison
- Jason Lund and Luke Bandkowski were linked to two heroin deaths each in Waukesha County
- Jay-Z has fond memories of his years as a drug dealer on the streets of New York - insisting he had 'fun' selling crack cocaine.
- Jennifer Capriati overdosed and was rushed to hospital in Riviera Beach
- Jersey
- Jersey Police
- Jobseekers who reject help for alcohol and drug addiction face benefits cut
- John Philip Stirling
- Jonathan Dimbleby has admitted he tried cocaine and marijuana in his 20s.
- Jonathan Rhys Meyers was hospitalized in London this week after a possible suicide attempt involving pills
- Jordan
- Jose Antonio Medina was captured by Mexican police in the western state of Michoacan
- journal Biological Psychiatry
- journey from 'lawbreaker to lawmaker'
- Jr.
- Judge Baseer told the singer he was a 'sinner' when he appeared before a hearing at Abu Dhabi Court
- judge refused to grant bail over fears Douglas would relapse
- jurors heard today as they again saw a photo of the pop stars dead body.
- just a bunch of marijuana
- Justin Townes Earle looks back at year of recovery
- Kate Middleton Visits Recovering Addicts
- Kate Moss
- Kathryn Fuller
- Keith Richards wants to “road-test” any new drugs that are invented.
- Kelly Osbourne's Healthy Transformation
- Kensington and Chelsea
- Kern County
- killed Cheyenne bull rider Bryan Guthrie
- Kirstie Alley regrets writing drug-fuelled journal entries during her battle with addiction
- known member of the “Folk Nation” street gang was arrested for selling cocaine
- KOB Eyewitness news 4 reported about a spike in abuse of a drug used to treat heroin addiction.
- Koppel’s Son Had Heroin
- Kristen Delgado
- Kristin Cavallari Spotted Snorting Cocaine
- L.A.
- Laguna Beach
- Lake Geneva
- Las Vegas
- Last year the UK became the European centre for mephedrone
- Lauderdale
- lead them! British diplomat advocates legalizing heroin
- Left Him to Die on Yacht
- Legal highs making the drug war obsolete
- legislation
- Lettuce addiction 'saved woman's life' after giving clue to cancer diagnosis
- Levamisole has been found in both powder and crack cocaine in the Los Angeles area.
- Levamisole.
- Lifting the veil on Afghanistan’s female addicts
- Like alcohol and drug addiction
- Lil Wayne Has Heroin Named After him In NJ
- Lilo
- Lindsay Lohan
- Lindsay Lohan Avoids Jailtime and is Sent Back to Rehab
- Lindsay Lohan could face only 1 day in jail for cocaine -
- Lindsay Lohan found unconscious in hotel
- Lindsay Lohan is reportedly being treated for cocaine addiction
- Lindsay Lohan laid bare the extent of her drug addiction Monday
- list of America's Top 5 Addictions
- lithium carbonate
- Lithuania
- Llanelli
- London
- London's secret music venue and their livestream act
- long range cartel subs are apparently going all the way from Ecuador to Europe
- Lorry driver jailed in France for drugs smuggling is freed
- Los Angeles
- Los Angeles County prosecutors
- Los Angeles International Airport
- Los Angles
- LSD could treat alcoholism
- Luis Miguel Hospitalized
- Madrid's Hospital Gregorio Maranon
- Malaysia mosque a source of hope for heroin addicts
- Malaysian and Nigerian drug smugglers are using Thais as accomplices
- Maldives
- Malibu
- man
- Man Flees After Woman Demands Too Much Sex
- Man held in drug case after girlfriend dies
- Man Used Heroin
- Manhattan
- Manlius Town Court
- many teens were using the Internet as a tool for exploring questions of personal identity
- Marijuana Growers
- Marijuana Vending Machine by Calif. Company
- Marriage
- Mathew Stokes will face the Geelong Magistrates' Court today on cocaine trafficking and possession charges.
- Matt Steven's cocaine scandal in quotes
- may better reflect family risk for alcohol use disorders.
- Medium’ Star Jake Weber was Rolling Stones Drug Mule
- Mel Gibson
- Mel Gibson Invited to Whitney Houston's Funeral
- Members of Ventura and Santa Barbara county gangs have been sentenced to lengthy federal prison terms for methamphetamine trafficking.
- memory
- men are five times more likely to die from alcohol-related illness than women
- Men who smuggled drugs from Dover to Skelmersdale jailed
- mental health units
- Mentor UK
- Merck Cocaine: Behind Some Of Those Fabulous Rolling Stones Songs
- Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich says reading an interview in which Noel talked about quitting drugs is what made him give up taking cocaine.
- Meth
- Methamphetamines affect the brain in numerous ways. The drug tricks the brain into thinking that extra dopamine is released. Eventually
- Mexican government legalized possession of marijuana
- Mexican meth labs
- Mexican meth production goes on speed
- Mexico opposition may work with criminals
- Mexico's military cracks down on the cartels moving South American narcotics north.
- Mexico’s military says soldiers freed 61 men being held captive by the Zetas drug cartel for use as forced labor
- Miami-Dade
- Michael Jackson's heartbroken daughter lashed out at Dr Conrad Murray for failing to save her father's life
- Michael was first sent to tough Pentonville Prison in North London
- michael-douglas-son-to-be-sentenced-in-secret
- Middlesex County Prosecutors Office is offering a reward for up to $500 for information leading to Underwood's arrest.
- midget subs to transport drugs
- Miguel Pérez García and Juan Carlos Sierra
- million people in the UK are estimated to be addicted to prescription drugs known as benzodiazepines.
- Mind Hacks is a collection of probes into the moment-by-moment works of the brain.
- Minimum alcohol price in Scotland to be set at 50p a unit
- Minimum price for alcohol introduced in bid to tackle Britain's binge crisis
- Misery among heroin addicts in Afghanistan
- Mohammed Abbas
- Mom Charged With Attacking Son’s Alleged Heroin Dealer With Aluminum Bat
- Money spent on nicotine patches 'goes up in smoke'
- Monrovia
- Montebello Police investigators discovered nearly 70 pounds of cocaine
- more gambling
- more powerful version of the nation’s second most-abused medicine
- more problem gamblers and more of the calamitous social ills that follow.
- more than 26 drugs charges and is currently on bail for cocaine possession.
- More Than Half Of All Drug Arrests In U.S. Are For Marijuana
- More... What the dip on your lip reveals about your sex life The mile-high show that is making flyers blush: Qantas offers advice that's a bit racier than you might expect
- mother left her crying one-year-old child locked in the car while she gambled on the pokies.
- MP Eric Joyce charged with assault
- Mr. Nice Guy became the biggest fake pot manufacturer in the US.
- Mr. Osbourne your epiglottis is the size of a light bulb and glowing almost as brightly
- Murrieta Police Department
- MUSIC legend Eric Clapton has raised £1.3million for his rehab clinic
- Myanmar’s drug ‘exports’ to China test ties
- mysterious fungus is wreaking havoc on Afghanistan's opium poppies
- Narcotics officers seized nearly 1kg of heroin worth about $137
- Natalie Mejia
- Natina Reed
- nation's underage drinkers
- National Drug Control Policy
- National Institute on Drug Abuse
- Netherlands judge to rule on cafe cannabis ban
- Neurosurgeon Dr Suresh Surendranath Nair is charged with supplying drugs to sex worker Suellen Domingues Zaupa who was found dead in his apartment in 2009
- new designer drug called krokodil -- a derivative of morphine that can turn an addict's skin greenish
- New figures show hundreds of thousands of people are forced to use medication to fight their dependency.
- New Jersey motorcyclist who had been stopped along Route 22 because he was operating his vehicle with a suspended license
- new legal highs had flooded the market
- new study published in the journal Science offers new insight into the mechanism behind cocaine’s addictiveness.
- New York
- Nick Stahl's Wife Says He Is Missing
- Nicole Hedges
- Nigerian gets death for drug trafficking
- NJ Town First to Consider Medical Marijuana
- No probe into Ryan cocaine suppliers
- Noemie Lenoir is the last of a string of models to have committed suicide or attempted to commit suicide in the past year.
- non-approved drugs
- Norfolk
- north London.
- not dependence
- not for us
- nothing mattered to Taylor but his addiction to sex
- O'Brien
- of Cranbrook Street in Belfast was charged following a search of his home in August 2009.
- of Diamond Bar
- of Oldham
- of Tomahawk
- of Winston-Salem
- off-duty police officers from the Nogales police department seized several hundred pounds of marijuana from a drug smuggling operation
- Officer Jumps to Death After Cocaine Arrest
- officer? Oh
- on Dec. 18.
- on the outskirts of Kabul.
- one baby born each hour addicted to opiate drugs in U.S.
- One in seven Cambridge students 'has sold drugs to help pay their way through university'
- Online porn increases sex addiction risk says expert
- Opiates Killed 8 Americans In Afghanistan
- Opioid pain relievers and stimulants for intoxication is widely prevalent
- Oprah Winfrey
- or nearly 250 million people
- or online affairs or the more overt behaviors like exhibitionism
- or Worse
- Orange County
- Orange County High School
- Oscar Arriola Marquez has pleaded not guilty to charges that include money laundering and conspiracy to distribute a controlled substance
- ose Antonio Medina Arreguin was sentenced Wednesday in Ventura
- Ottawa
- oversee marijuana market
- Oxford University in England
- OxyContin change a concern for addiction workers
- Painkillers in Maine: A cure that came with a curse
- Painter Kinkade relapsed into alcoholism
- Pakistani beheaded for heroin trafficking
- Palm Springs
- Panorama - Cocaine: Alex James in Colombia 1/3
- Paris Hilton to serve 1 year probation
- Paris-Hilton-denied-entry-Japan-following-cocaine-conviction
- Parliamentary bar brawl spotlights culture of drinking in Britain
- parties and drugs. He became withdrawn from his family and spent his earnings feeding his addictions.
- Partner of Coca-Cola addict claims guzzling the drink killed her
- Passed Out While Driving On Beltline
- Passive drug smokers could also face jail in Dubai
- Paul Simon's music takes meandering spiritual journey
- Pedrie Wannenburg
- People who haven’t experienced living with an addict just don’t have any idea what it’s like
- Pete Doherty is now linked to three deaths
- Philadelphia
- Phoenix Academy
- Phoenix House
- phone sex
- PHS grad with attorney on school board dodges jail time
- Pittsburgh
- Plain-packaging cigarette challenge in Australia's high court
- Plan B has admitted that the first and only time he has taken heroin was during his first Glastonbury.
- pleaded not guilty to possession of cocaine rocks on Wednesday.
- Police are investigating at least two other deaths in the area linked to a dangerous form of heroin.
- Police arrest 300 in cannabis crackdown
- Police have arrested Tarkan
- Police in 'legal highs' warning after teen dies at RockNess Festival
- Police on the Costa del Sol were yesterday hunting a gang who stole £1million of cocaine from a warehouse where authorities held seized drugs before destroying them.
- Police said they caught Mr McCaskill with six packets of cocaine in his wallet after they watched him walk into a supermarket in Tuban
- Polsloe
- poor man’s heroin
- POP star George Michael was released from jail
- poppy fields flourish in Mexico
- Pornography
- pornography addiction
- Portmead
- Portugal Decriminalized All Drugs Eleven Years Ago And The Results Are Staggering
- possible-cocaine-addiction-trigger-uncovered-protein-linked-to-mental-retardation-may-be-controlling-factor-in-drugs-effect-in-the-brain
- possibly a West Norriton resident
- Pot Legalization Could Save U.S. $13.7 Billion Per Year
- powder cocaine and 50 grams or more of crack cocaine
- Premier League footballer Fabrice Muamba is in intensive care after collapsing during an FA Cup tie.
- prescription drug abuse is a 'hidden problem
- Prescription Drug Arrest
- Priory Group's rehabilitation centre in Roehampton
- Prison Service 'must target drugs'
- prisoner Renae Lawrence has made a fresh confession about her role in heroin smuggling in an effort to prevent the execution of Scott Rush
- production manager for the hit cable TV show 'Deadliest Catch' who bragged about his ability to deliver large amounts of cocaine is facing felony drug charges.
- Professor from Kidderminster on drug smuggling charge claims he was duped
- Professor John Strang
- Professors Pablo Vallejo Medina
- Promises Treatment Center
- Promising antidote for cocaine overdose in the works
- prosecutors have busted Bloods gang members on charges of running several sex trafficking rings
- Prostitute Injected Google Exec With Heroin
- prostitute seeking fame on The X Factor was yesterday exposed as a cocaine user
- prostitutes
- Pul-e-Charkhi prison
- push to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana will put an end to New York's reefer madness
- Qatar
- rabbi who was arrested after a five-day binge of cocaine and prostitutes
- Ramsey County District Court.
- Randy Quaid
- Rapper Coolio Artis Leon Ivey
- Rapper Earl Simmons
- rapper Gucci Mane has reportedly checked into a rehab for an alleged cocaine addiction
- Rapper Waka Flocka Waives Hearing
- rapper who boasted on Twitter about beating a murder rap is a violent drug kingpin who flooded Brooklyn's Gowanus Houses with crack and heroin
- Reality TV star Khloe Kardashian
- Recession causes 2
- Recovering Addict Daniel Powter Preparing Chart Comeback
- Recovering alcoholic Matt Maden: I began drinking at 10 and now I'm facing death at 26
- Redmond O'Neal
- Reduced BMD often co-occurs with alcoholism.
- Regional Police Drug Squad Make Arrests And Seize $6
- Regular drinking habit comes with age
- Rehab
- Rehab has helped him accept that he must move at his own pace
- Relapse is common among those struggling to overcome an addiction to cocaine.
- Relationships
- Remains Jailed
- Renowed Hockey Brawler
- reports say
- Research shows 753 people were charged for use or possession of the drug last year
- Researchers completing a new study on alcohol consumption have discovered that college-age students who binge drink are happier than those who don't.
- resumption of heavy drinking killed the singer
- reveals French research
- Richmond and Kingston
- Rick Perry takes military-style tack to protect Texas border from Mexican cartels
- Rick Ross
- Ricky Hatton has been stripped of his boxing licence
- ricky-hatton-admits-cocaine-addiction-and-will-enter-rehab-this-week
- Riker
- Rival gangsters pack Vancouver courts
- Riyadh-based Saudi Care for Rehabilitation and Health Care
- Robert Downey Jr. first became addicted tο drugs.
- Robert Downey Jr.'s salvation
- Robert Munsch admits to cocaine
- Rock star Pete Doherty is due to appear in court charged with cocaine possession
- Rocker Phil Varone has turned his alleged sex addiction into a money-spinning venture by bedding five girlfriends for a new x-rated movie.
- ROGUE batch of heroin is being linked to two deaths
- Rohypnol
- Roman Abramovich
- Roxies sell on the street for as much as $30 per pill and offer a high that tops crack
- Royal Navy wren smuggled £2 million of cocaine on board a warship
- RTÉ BROADCASTER Gerry Ryan was under enormous personal
- Rudy Eugene and Ronald Poppo
- Russell Brand has no compunction about calling himself a junkie.
- Russell Brand is in talks with the BBC about presenting his first TV programme
- Russia's heroin problem a "tsunami" sweeping over the country
- Russia's heroin problem and ongoing battles over Afghan poppy fields
- Ryan Wedding of Coquitlam
- SA Institute for Drug-Free Sport views the admission of guilt of Bulls and Springbok rugby player
- Saddle River
- Sahel drug gang battle - 4 dead
- Salem.
- Salou
- Sam Sarfo Kantanka claims to have swallowed 96 of the pellets.
- Samanth Orobator
- San Diego's deadly heroin problem
- San Luis Rio Colorado
- Sanclemente the 'Narco Queen
- Santa Barbara freeway
- Sarah and Simon are questioned by the police
- Sarah Harding has completed her 2-month stint in rehab
- saying the pills on the streets were dangerous.
- says 'The bigger the crowd
- says study
- says survey
- says top Cambridge neuroscientist
- scaly and cause it to rot away
- Scientists Have Discovered Why Marijuana Makes You Paranoid
- Scotland exports more cannabis than it imports as Triad farms grow
- Scotland’s binge drinking epidemic
- Scotland's elite crimebusters are tackling drug dealers by seizing bulking agents they use to drive up profits.
- Scott Storch
- Scott Storch -- Arrested for Cocaine in Vegas
- Scott Weiland
- Scottish supermarkets face extra tax on selling alcohol
- Secret Service scandal sheds light on sex tourism in Latin America
- Self-Drawings May Reveal Hidden Eating Disorders
- senior research fellow at Stirling University's Scottish Addiction Studies Group
- Sex addiction linked to Internet porn
- sex addicts.
- Sex Offenses
- Sharon Armstrong to appeal Argentinian drug-smuggling conviction
- she discovered she had hepatitis C
- she said she wanted cocaine to “stay up all night” and then asked when she could leave to get some
- Sheen reportedly tested positive for cocaine after being transported to the hospital on Monday night
- Sheen's ex-wife charged with cocaine distribution
- shocking news report claims that the late Whitney Houston and her teenage daughter Bobbi Kristina shared the same drug dealer.
- Should Sexual Addiction Become Legitimate Mental Health Diagnosis?
- show concludes with Glover's attempts "to stay clean and sober"
- shut down drive-through drug operation near University Mall
- Side Effects Of Cocaine
- Sierra Leone
- SIMPLE translation error has stymied drug mule Martin Stephens' attempt to get out of jail early
- Sinaloa cartel carving drug routes in Caribbean
- Singer Whitney to be laid to rest
- Sir Richard Branson: Time to start helping drug addicts instead of jailing them
- skin infections and pneumonia.
- Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix
- sleeping tablets
- Sly Stone
- Smoke leads cops to pot
- Smokers could one day be immunised against nicotine so they gain no pleasure from the habit
- Smokers lose one third of their everyday memory
- Smoking dope and smoking coke
- Smoking shisha can kill
- Smoking tube passenger decapitated after falling onto tracks
- Snaresbrook
- Snaresbrook Crown Court
- Snoop Dogg
- Snorting Baby Powder
- socially disruptive narcissists More Facebook Friends You Have
- Soldier gets five years for plot to smuggle £80
- some cocaine
- Sony Ericsson Open
- sores in the mouth or around the anus
- sought to have the names of eight former and current sex workers suppressed
- South Wales
- South-American-gangs-using-old-aircraft-to-fly-cocaine-to-Africa.
- south-west London
- Spain
- SPANISH drug traffickers are now taking to the skies to avoid border controls.
- Spanish police have arrested a Colombian drug boss
- spin king and former boozehound Alastair Campbell
- St. Louis Cardinals
- State issues temporary ban on fake cocaine
- Statin side effects: How common are memory loss
- Steak
- Steve-O
- Stimulating Results
- strip clubs or massage parlors
- Student denies smuggling heroin into jail
- students
- Students at one of the world's most prestigious educational institutions
- Students warned of drug-smuggling recruiters
- Study in rats shows high-fructose diet sabotages learning
- study of Australian heroin users has shown how the drug regularly lands them in hospital
- study of pathological altruism
- study says
- Study says caffeine addicts hallucinate
- Study Suggests Link Between Narcissism And Facebook
- study to test the effectiveness of the prescription pain reliever Dilaudid as a treatment for chronic heroin addiction.
- Subutex and Suboxone
- successfully building their own future lives using what they discover on the Web
- Suffolk
- sugar
- Sugar = Heroin. How to Cut Your Addiction
- sugar addicts
- Sugar: A sweet but dangerous addiction
- suicides
- Surf Air: Can an all-you-can-fly airline possibly work?
- Surrey woman's Thailand monastery stay to conquer heroin
- survey has suggested that nearly 80% of GPs are prescribing drugs when they think the patients could be addicted to them.
- Sussex
- Sweden
- Sweden warns heroin users after anthrax death
- Swimming sex-symbol Beard confesses in suicide attempt
- Switzerland
- Switzerland’s heroin program
- swollen glands
- Sydney
- Sydney Central Local Court
- Sydney police boss Mark Standen jailed for drug plot
- Symptoms include persistent fever and chills
- Symptoms of alcohol abuse
- Take 5 seconds just to be quiet.
- Take 5 seconds just to be quiet. | Big BookStudies
- taking ecstasy was no more dangerous than horseriding
- Taliban Deface Koran to Sell Heroin
- talks about overdosing on heroin
- Tampa
- Tatum O'Neal
- Ted Nugent's drummer flees police in golf cart
- Teenage drink and drug abuse linked to brain 'wiring'
- Teens Snorted Ashes of Man
- Teens with a history of crack or cocaine are at an increased risk for HIV than youth who have never used these drugs
- Teesside
- Tel Aviv
- Tetra Pak heir Hans Kristian Rausing is being treated in hospital as police wait to question him in connection with the death of his wife Eva.
- Thailand Crime Suppression Division
- the actor who portrayed the ne're-do-well cousin Eddie in the National Lampoon's Vaction movies wants asylum in Canada
- The addiction to drugs
- the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs
- The Amy Winehouse Foundation will be launched on September 14
- The average of all the ages [of people starting to smoke] came out as nine.
- THE Beatles were partly to blame for a global increase in popular experimentation with illicit drugs
- the bigger my habit got'
- the brain shuts down.
- The CDC reports that the relatively recent epidemic of opium-addiction is now America's fastest growing drug problem.
- the Chicago area had the most heroin-related hospital visits in the nation.
- the Coke'
- the Crack
- The death of ex-Alice in Chains bassist Mike Starr raised a number of questions for his fans
- the director of the national addiction centre
- the doctor charged with causing Michael Jackson's death
- the double life of heroin addiction
- the drug of choice for the clubbers of the early 1990s
- The Five Keys to Mindful Communication
- The Government is set to pave the way for cigarette packets to be stripped of all branding
- The important thing with serotonin
- the Internet
- the Internet has many of us on a very short leash – an addictive one.
- the Italian model who has been dating Hollywood hunk George Clooney for the past year
- The Junkie Old Folks' Home: Aging Addicts Find Rufuge in Dutch Care Facility
- the More Unhappy You Are
- the most expensive ever.
- the mush-mouthed
- The naked truth
- The Nassau Legislature will vote on its measure Dec. 15; the Suffolk Legislature
- The Netherlands is embarking on a crusade against its multi-billion-euro marijuana industry
- The New Face of Drug Abuse
- the northern Spanish town where thousands of British students flock every spring for four nights of drunken debauchery.
- The outlook isn't 'grim'. The number of heroin and crack addicts is falling
- the overwhelming need for sexual satisfaction so intense that psychologists compare it to crack cocaine.
- the physicians.
- The problem is that we have the highest obesity rate in Europe and we drink more alcohol than the European average.
- the reclusive funk legend whose career was crippled by rampant drug abuse
- The results strongly suggest that the mechanism of depression after alcohol drinking may be related to serotonin.
- The singer was found five times over the drink-drive limit
- The Steps in 4 hours
- the stupidest son
- The Ten Stages acknowledges that We are all unique perfect children within carrying a full range of unique gifts to offer.
- The Tolerance Effect: How Drinking May Have Really Killed Amy Winehouse
- The unseen problem with new law on tobacco sales
- then I guess our government has won.
- There’s a myth of invincibility. Illness is for the patient
- Thornton Heath man in South American jail after being caught with £20k of coke
- thought a prostitute had stolen his wallet.
- THOUSANDS of heroin addicts in South Wales are being weaned off the killer substance with substitute drug programmes costing millions.
- Three men have been arrested at John F. Kennedy International Airport since the Christmas holiday
- Three More Countries Seek Prisoner-Transfer Deals With Indonesia
- Three New Brunswick Smoke Shops Raided
- Tiger Woods last night revealed he is part of a police probe into drug abuse in American sport.
- Timothy Rutherford who worked as a civil contractor with British forces in southern Iraq
- to fast food
- to get him to have treatment and hopefully win this battle
- to texting. Are we living in a nation of junkies?
- to the use and abuse of cocaine
- Tobacco giant Philip Morris is threatening to take the Australian Government to an international court over plain packaging legislation.
- Tokyo
- tonics
- Toronto
- toxic effects of cocaine
- Treatment
- trying to smuggle the contraband in an ice-cream vending machine
- Turkey’s most famous pop music star
- Turkish criminal gangs are ruling over the streets in the UK
- TV personality Coolio
- TV'S The Scheme is set to shock viewers with graphic images of a heroin addict injecting the deadly drug.
- Twice as powerful as crack cocaine at just a fraction of the price
- Twitter addict? Too much Internet may alter your brain
- Two people have been charged with drug offences after a £100
- TWO people in the Banff area died in suspected drugs-related incidents at the weekend.
- Two-thirds of smokers try to quit in new year
- U.S. journal Analytical Chemistry
- UC Berkeley researchers pinpoint areas of brain linked with addiction
- ugly image misprints and unfortunate impulse decisions
- UK - The Independent
- Underground Website Lets You Mail-Order LSD
- Understand the inherently peaceful presence of Awareness the art of Living in the NOW
- Understanding and treating a variety of addictions will be the topic of two days worth of workshops sponsored by the Central Nebraska Council on Alcoholism and Addictions
- unfortunately. Maybe I'm naïve
- Uniformed policeman 'cuffed and raped heroin addict' - Crime
- Union Pacific
- United Kingdom is the cocaine capital of Europe
- Unity Fellowship Church in City Heights
- Uruguay aims to legalize
- US agents laundered drug money
- US court blocks graphic cigarette warnings
- US gambler spent £120
- Utah plastic surgeon is being sued by a former patient who claims that he tried to operate on her using a 'pickle fork' after her anesthetic wore off.
- Venezuela on Tuesday deported three suspected drug smugglers wanted in the United States
- Vermont
- Victoria Police
- Vietnam
- warn doctors
- was announced by the anti-doping agency after he was sentenced to nine months’ jail
- was arrested at Bali Ngurah Rai International Airport
- was arrested at Heathrow Airport
- was arrested in a Los Angeles suburb on Tuesday night after police reportedly found more than a dozen plastic bags of cocaine
- was charged with two counts of trafficking cocaine
- was convicted last December of conspiring to distribute 24 kilograms of cocaine.
- was found dead May 2
- was killed after police tasered her.
- we can't lie
- We could wipe memories of drug addicts
- Wellton
- Wes Scantlin will avoid jail time from his January arrest
- West Australian
- What cannabis actually does to your brain
- What is an Addict?
- What is orthorexia?
- What killed Whitney Houston is still an official mystery despite widespread media speculation
- What’s new in the treatment of cocaine addiction
- What's that in the car
- Which countries have the highest rates of cannabis use
- which has addiction experts worried that it could spur a new wave of abuse.
- which included gang beatings
- While in the lock-up
- White Girl and White Rush.
- white heroin and its dangers
- Whitefish Bay
- Whitney Houston
- Whitney Houston 'binged on cocaine
- Whitney Houston death probe nears end; toxicology results pending
- Whitney Houston has canceled more shows in Europe and her “people” are saying it is due to an upper respiratory infection.
- Whitney Houston: 'Powdery' substance in hotel bathroom
- who barely survived taking contaminated cocaine that killed her 'Amazing Race' producer boss
- who claimed to be the former drug dealer of Angelina Jolie
- who plays Jin-Soo Kwon in the hit series - was detained in Honolulu
- Why do most spouses and partners react to the discovery of sexual addiction with such a sense of total devastation
- Why Mexico's drug gangs target rehab centers
- why should you?
- wild animal protection centre in the southern Hainan Island.
- Will treating addiction as a 'disease' combat a growing epidemic
- William Hill Bookmakers
- Winehouse's death points to risk of detoxing alone
- Wisconsin woman received vacuum stuffed full of drugs
- with death throughoverdose rising in their wake
- with three empty vodka bottles next to her.
- WOMAN charged with trying to extort almost $800
- Worrying is good for you and reflects higher IQ
- Yet another study confirms your tech addiction
- yet his record label says nothing
- you are rendered defenseless
- Young Jeezy
- Yuri van Gelder will miss 2012 Olympics
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