Side Effects Of Cocaine – Cocaine Side Effects

Side Effects Of Cocaine – Cocaine Side Effects: "effect of cocaine on the nervous system can vary from user to user. Some users may have a euphoric feeling with increased levels of energy and excitement. On the other hand, some users might feel just the opposite. Restlessness, nausea, vertigo, headaches, dilated pupils and irritability are some of the common side effects of cocaine on the nervous system. Cocaine also plays a major role on brain chemical and alters their functions, thus leading to many grim complications.
People who use cocaine usually use it by sniffing or snorting it. This causes enormous damage to the nasal tract. Some of the common side effects of using cocaine this way include stuffiness, recurrent nosebleeds, hoarseness, and sinusitis. The nasal septum is also damaged as the blood supply is reduced by sniffing in cocaine regularly. A common side effect of cocaine is the “coke nose” where the septum is perforated and produces a whistling sound when the person breathes"

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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.