KOB Eyewitness news 4 reported about a spike in abuse of a drug used to treat heroin addiction.

Bernalillo County Sheriff's detectives said it is a new trend, but many viewers responded with skepticism. KOB decided to take a closer look at this drug called Suboxone.

One addiction expert claims that while Suboxone, like any other drug, can be abused, it is not the prescription drug of choice for those addicted to heroin.

Dr. John Vigil practices addiction medicine. He said Suboxone is not the same euphoria or high as heroin.

Vigil explained that if it is being sold on the streets or in jail it may be used as a way to stem withdrawal until a user can get their next heroin fix or get into a recovery program.

Vigil also points out that these treatments have heavy oversight.

"It is a federal regulation that any doctor that prescribes Suboxone or Suboxone treatment must either provide counseling therapy or make referrals for those patients to go for appropriate treatment," Vigil explained.

Methadone came about in the 1960's and Suboxone in the 2000's.

Vigil claims the use of Methadone or Suboxone combined with a program of therapy can have a 90 percent chance of success for heroin addicts.

Vigil said heroin addiction is neurobiological disease and treating it with opiate replacement therapy is the best chance of getting addicts help.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.