Is Charlie Sheen Worth More as a Trainwreck Than a TV Star? - E! Online

Charlie Sheen Autographed/Hand Signed ''Wallsteet'' 8x10 Photo - Custom FramedIs Charlie Sheen Worth More as a Trainwreck Than a TV Star? - E! Online: "Alas, Charlie Sheen may have tiger-channeling blood and fire-breathing fists. But unless he also has a bunghole that can press gold bars, Sheen will have to work very hard to even approach the kind of paychecks he got via Men.
What kind of work? Well...
RELATED: Charlie Sheen fired from Two and a Half Men
Let's start out with the money Sheen has apparently lost.
That includes the more than $1 million per episode fee he demanded to shout those lines on Two and a Half Men. (Sheen has threatened to sue his former employers for lost wages, but no official court action yet.) Sheen also recently lost an endorsement deal with Hanes.
But does that mean that earning potential for Sheen has dropped, at least as an endorser?
Far from it."


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.